Eloise May Meeting Room A | Capacity 7-25 (Eloise May Library) Capacity: 25
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A private meeting room for groups between 7-25 people. Meeting Room A may be booked in conjunction with Meeting Room B (up to 50 users); Meeting Room A, B & C (up to 75 users); and Meeting Room A, B, C & D (up to 100 users); wall between rooms may be left up or down. Please ask staff for assistance. Meeting Room A equipment includes:
- Wall-mounted projector and retractable projection screen with HDMI and VGA interface
- Microphones
- Wall-mounted whiteboard
- Sink and cabinets
- DVD player (ask staff for assistance)
- Approximately 25 chairs and 10 tables (3'x6')
Eloise May is located at 1471 S. Parker Rd., Denver, CO 80231 [map]. Parking available in the adjacent parking lot.
Accessible Seat/Space
Power Available